Hello. I am Felice.
I lead Design at Pinterest.
All about the tiny details, the big picture, the stories and the people behind. And folding!*

* You might want to read the end of the long story below if this doesn’t make sense.


Long story

Hello, I’m Felice.
It means ‘happy’ in Italian.
Pronounced like
Felipe and Ceviche,

I think of myself as a total inbetweener, in life as well as in design. Born and raised in Italy. I have lived and worked in Milan, Barcelona, Helsinki, and currently San Francisco.

I spent over 15 years looking for the right problems to solve at the intersection of digital, physical, and spatial design.

I designed and led design in companies of all sizes, from large ones like Nokia, down to small 6 people agencies. I started my own company Aether Things (from 4 to 70 employees) and then joined startups like Spotify and Pinterest, witnessing them scale to the great companies they are today.


As a leader I value purpose,
transparency, kindness
and excellence.


Passionate with designing orgs that can fluidly adapt to the needs of the business. Building teams that are impactful, connected and resilient.

I currently lead the Core Experience & Systems Design teams at Pinterest – with the mission to bring inspiration to everyone.

I also try to design things for myself - it keeps me connected with the magic of making and the passion to play with pixels and no constraints


And folding…

In my spare time you’ll find me rearranging items on my colleagues’ desks, people-watching with my cat-dog Lumi, or folding anything because folding is everything.

